Unmasking The Maverick (Montana Mavericks: The Lonelyhearts Ranch Book 4) Page 19
Brenna gave him a long, hostile stare. “If you know what’s good for you—”
“I think he gets the message, honey.” Travis put his hand to her back and urged her forward. He shook his head and said, “Poor bastard.”
Ronan and Keegan stood side by side, looking like twin bodyguards. Fiona loved them for it but this was her deal. “I want to talk to him. I’ve got this, guys.”
“You sure?” Ronan looked skeptical.
“We don’t mind sticking around,” Keegan added.
In spite of the nerves quivering inside her and the sadness pushing them out of the way, Fiona smiled at her two brothers. For a split second, love for these big lugs squeezed out everything messy and complicated. “Thanks. But I really do have this.”
With a last warning look, the two men waded through the crowd and headed toward the tables where food and drink were set up.
“Okay, then.” She looked up at Brendan and said again, “Follow me.”
“Are you sure that’s all of them?” he asked warily.
“Yes. At least the ones I’m related to,” she answered. “But I can’t guarantee my town family won’t have something to say to you.”
“I’m not sure whether to be happy about that for your sake or very afraid.” He grabbed her hand and led the way through the partygoers gathered outside and past the perimeter of light.
Fiona didn’t care where he took her because his big, warm hand felt so good wrapped around hers. But she pushed the thought away. This was no time to go soft. There were things she needed to tell him and hardened herself for the conversation.
It didn’t take long to see that they were heading for his cabin. About that hardening her heart thing? No way she would end up in his bed. Not again.
He stepped onto the porch of his place and released her hand. “We can talk in here.”
As long as they just talked. This would very probably be the last time she was with him and it would be so easy to let herself forget that she wasn’t enough to make him stay.
“Okay.” She walked through the door he opened and flipped on the light switch just inside.
As the room lit up, memories flooded her. The best times of her life had happened here. She hoped that eventually thoughts of being with him would be warm, bright and comforting. Right now it just hurt all the way to her soul. When the door closed, she blinked away tears and turned to face him.
He stared at her for a moment. “So...the green face is really something.”
She touched her cheek, a little sticky from the face paint she’d used. “Yeah. I didn’t want to be any old generic witch.”
“So, which witch are you?”
“Elphaba.” His look was blank. “From the Broadway play Wicked.”
He shrugged. “Still nothing.”
“I’m sure you can find something about it on YouTube.”
“I’ll check it out.”
“‘Defying Gravity’ is my favorite song from the play. But my second fave is ‘For Good’—”
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, the meaning sliced through her painfully. Because she’d known him she’d been changed for good. Fiona was aware of how awesome it was to be in love. Also because she’d known him it felt as if her heart was being ripped out. At least this time she would get closure.
“You didn’t really want to talk to me about a play, did you?” His voice was so gentle she could hardly stand it.
“No.” She caught the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment. “I just thought we should talk about what you told me.”
“Yeah.” He moved a step closer until his body nearly touched hers. “I didn’t like the way we left things, either. And that’s my fault. You mentioned your family and—”
“I know. They can be a lot.”
“It’s not that. They’re great. Especially the way they support you. My dad was all the family I had. And you have so many of them.”
“You’re trying to say that I take them for granted,” she said.
“Not exactly. I’m saying that I envy you. I didn’t have any siblings. My mom wasn’t around for putting together a costume or going trick-or-treating.”
“Brendan—” She sighed. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“Me, too. But I’m really not feeling sorry for myself. I just need you to understand why the Marine Corps is so important to me. They were the brothers I never had. The family I never had. I knew I could count on them.”
“You can count on me.”
He looked away. “I know—”
“It’s not just lip service, Brendan. I have your back always.” It was now or never. “I’m in love with you.”
His eyes met hers and he blinked at her. “Fiona—”
She held up a hand to stop his words. “Let me get this out before I lose my nerve. I fell in love with you. Couldn’t help it. I love you for trying to keep your distance in order to protect me. It just shows what kind of man you are.” She shrugged. “And it’s a perfect example of why I fell hard for you.”
“Listen, Fiona—”
“I’m not asking you for anything. I just wanted you to know.” She took in his handsome face, including the black mask, and smiled. “I like the Lone Ranger thing you’ve got going on. Very heroic.”
“I’m not a hero.”
“You served your country, bravely and honorably. You’re everyone’s hero.”
“I don’t care about everyone. I only want to be your hero.” He shook his head. “I was afraid you weren’t coming tonight.”
“I almost didn’t,” she admitted. “My sisters talked me into it. They said I should tell you how I feel.”
“I’m glad you did and now it’s my turn.” He untied the black mask and took off his hat, then tossed both on the couch. “I’ve been hiding all my life. From pain and possibility. I’ve been running and hiding because that’s where I’m comfortable. But not anymore. Not if it means losing you.”
His words seeded hope that started to grow in her heart. “What are you saying?”
“I love you. I have from the very first moment I saw you. Chasing Jared into my workshop.”
“You have no idea how badly I want to throw myself into your arms right now.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“You are.” Love was all well and good, but logistics sucked. “Or I should say the fact that you’re going to reenlist.”
“No. I’m not.”
She shook her head. “Don’t do that. Don’t you dare give up the career you love. Not for me. I won’t push you into a commitment you don’t want.”
“I’m not doing it for you,” he protested. “I’m doing it for me. There’s nothing more important to me than being with you. Because I’m in love with you. And I’m not giving up anything. I’ve been talking to Forrest Traub, and there are other ways for me to serve. I can do a lot. It just won’t be on the front lines anymore.”
“You’re sure? I don’t want you to resent me.” Fiona searched his face, looking for any sign of doubt. She saw nothing but love in his eyes. And this was the man who never broke a promise and always told the truth.
“I want to be with you. I want to walk in the snow for the first time with you. Thanksgiving and Christmas were always another holiday to have hard feelings about. Now I can’t wait to spend them with you.” He reached for her.
Fiona took a half step back. “What about my family? You saw how they are. They’re going to be around.”
He laughed and the humor lines crinkled around his eyes. “I was completely serious when I said I envy you having a big family. I would very much like to be a part of the rowdy O’Reillys. I’d like nothing more.”
“Nothing?” she asked sweetly.
“Nothing.” He pulled her into his arms then. “Except ma
ybe to start a family of my own. With you. If you’ll have me.”
She cupped his lean cheek in her hand. “You are everything I have ever wanted, Brendan Tanner.”
He kissed her then, and she slid her arms around his neck. When they came up for air, she said, “You’ve got green face paint all over you.”
There was a wicked gleam in his eyes when he glanced in the direction of the bedroom, then back at her. “I propose we make it count, then.”
“I’m in.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him softly. “Always.”
“There should be a medal I can pin on you for meritorious service.” Fiona pulled the tablecloth off the dining room table. After a holiday dinner the thing looked like it had been through a battle. She smiled at Brendan. “You just survived your first O’Reilly family Thanksgiving.”
“Marine Corps boot camp came in handy. I never knew it would prepare me for taking on triplet toddlers.”
“They adore you.” The sight of him playing and roughhousing with the kids had tugged at her heart. Partly because what woman didn’t love watching a hunky man with kids? But mostly because he’d looked so happy.
Now the two of them were clearing away Thanksgiving decorations so her mother could get out the ones for Christmas. It would be her first with Brendan. He had wandered over to the front window and was staring at something so she decided to join him.
“What are you looking at?”
“It’s snowing.” There was awe in his voice and something else she’d never heard before. When he looked down at her there was a gleam in his eyes, too. The excitement of seeing his first snowfall? “Will you take a walk with me?”
“Anywhere.” She leaned her head against his shoulder for a moment. “Let’s get our coats.”
They grabbed sheepskin-lined jackets from the coat rack by the front door and tugged them on.
“Ready,” she said.
“Are you sure?” There was a funny look on his face.
“Is something wrong?”
“I mean, this is your first snow and everything, but I promise I’ll take care of you,” she teased.
“Not a doubt in my mind that you have my six.” He stuck his hand in the pocket of his jacket and seemed to relax. “I’m ready.”
She grinned and opened the front door, letting in a draft of cold air. Light from the front window showed big fat, wet flakes of snow gently falling. It was slowly accumulating on the ground and turning the front yard into a white wonderland. It was magical.
“Let’s go.” She took his hand. “Remember it’s slippery.”
They walked down the steps and wandered slowly away from the house. Peace and quiet surrounded them. It felt as if they were the only two people in the world. Since Halloween her love for this man had only grown stronger, deeper. Watching him enthusiastically immerse himself in the community filled her heart with happiness until it overflowed. She couldn’t imagine her life without him in it.
She tucked her left hand into the bend of his elbow and he covered it with his own, brushing his thumb over her fingers.
“Can I ask you something?” she said.
“Anything,” he answered without hesitation.
“Do you regret giving up the military?”
“No.” Again there was no hesitation.
“Are you sure?” she asked. “Now that you’ve had a few weeks to think about it. You’re not sorry you didn’t reenlist?”
“I haven’t had time to be sorry.” He looked down and there was contentment in his eyes, in his expression. “I’m partnering with Luke in the Sunshine Farm Fix-it Shop. He’s taken to calling me the tractor whisperer and the backhoe badass.”
“I’m not sure whether to be horrified at the nicknames or impressed that Luke is so impressed.”
“I vote for impressed.” Then he continued, “On top of that, I’m organizing a group of veteran volunteers with construction experience to help build cabins. And we’re going to negotiate the details of renting a space at Everything Old to sell donated items I’ve repaired in order to raise money for Luke’s foundation.”
“You’re going to be busy.”
“That’s the way I like it,” he said. “And I’ve told you about all this. So what’s wrong?”
“I just want to make sure you haven’t changed your mind. About staying, I mean.”
“Why in the world would I?” He stopped walking and smiled down at her. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Don’t look now, but we’re one more positive story in the growing myth of the Lonelyhearts Ranch.”
“Yeah.” She grinned. “Fiona and Brendan—the legend continues.”
His expression turned serious then. “You look so beautiful with snow sticking to your eyelashes and in your hair. I’m glad you’re my first walk in the snow.”
“I’m glad you’re glad.” She smiled. “There was a time when I was practically obsessed with getting married because my sisters were. I was the oldest and should have been first down the aisle.”
“And now?”
“Love is the most important thing. I’m okay with being a thirty-year-old spinster. As long as I can be your thirty-year-old spinster.”
“Don’t get used to the spinster thing.” Suddenly he dropped to one knee and reached a hand into his jacket pocket.
Her heart started hammering. “Brendan? What are you doing? Snow is cold, you know. And wet. You’re going to get frostbite of the kneecap. This is crazy. Please stand up before you catch your death—”
“If you’ll stop talking and let me get a word in, I have something to ask you.”
“Okay. Stopping. Now—”
She pressed her lips together and he pulled a black velvet jeweler’s box from his pocket, opened it and took out a solitaire diamond ring.
“I love you more than anything in this world and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Fiona O’Reilly—”
“Can I say yes now?”
“I haven’t asked you anything yet,” he said.
“So hurry up,” she urged.
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” She stuck out her left hand. “It would be my honor to marry you, Brendan Tanner.”
He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her hand. Looking up at her he said, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Let’s go break the news to my family.”
“I think they already know.” He nodded toward the house, where her parents, her siblings and their families were peeking through the window, waving and giving them thumbs-up.
She sighed. “Get used to it. For better for worse. Take me, take the O’Reillys.”
“Gladly.” He stood and pulled her against him.
Fiona threw her arms around his neck. Waking up that morning, she’d had no idea she would find even more to be thankful for. The list was long, but now, right at the top, was living happily-ever-after with her marine.
* * * * *
Look for the next installment of the new
Harlequin Special Edition continuity
Montana Mavericks:
The Lonelyhearts Ranch
When wedding planner Caroline Ruth meets rancher Craig Clifton, she literally falls head over heels for him—and blacks out. When she awakens, she’s
convinced she’s getting hitched to a cowboy!
Don’t miss
The Maverick’s Christmas to Remember
by Christy Jeffries
On sale November 2018, wherever
Harlequin books and ebooks are sold.
And catch up with the rest of the
Montana Mavericks:
The Lonelyhearts Ranch
in these great titles:
The Maverick’s Bridal Bargain
by Christy Jeffries
A Maverick to (Re)Marry
by New York Times Bestselling Author
Christine Rimmer
The Maverick’s Baby-in-Waiting
by Melissa Senate
The Little Maverick Matchmaker
by USA TODAY Bestselling Author Stella Bagwell
Available now!
Keep reading for an excerpt from Season of Wonder by RaeAnne Thayne.
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