Taming the Montana Millionaire Read online

Page 17



  He still couldn’t believe that she’d picked him to be her first. And if circumstances were different, if he wasn’t leaving, he would show her everything he could about seduction and tenderness. But nothing had changed and something made her go distant. One minute she’d shyly told him her attitude about sex was alive and well. The next they’d checked out of the hotel and on the drive back, she got quiet and broody.

  Marlon had tried more than once to draw her out. Every time he’d asked if something was bothering her she went all female on him and said everything was fine. He was beginning to hate that word.

  So here they sat. Not talking. He was working on his laptop at the tiny computer desk and she was sitting behind him on the couch, with her legs tucked up beneath her and a sketch pad in her lap. The only sound in the room was her charcoal pencil scratching on the paper.

  Marlon liked quiet when he worked, but the air was vibrating with tension and making him nuts. He was just about to take her on regarding the silent treatment when his phone rang.

  He reached for the case on his belt and retrieved his cell. After looking at the caller ID, he smiled and answered. “Dana. How’s the world’s best personal assistant?”

  “Crabby. When are you getting out of the slammer?” she asked.

  “Technically I was never in the slammer.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “My community service will be satisfied in about a week.” So soon? When did that happen? It had gone too fast, he thought, swiveling his chair around to look at Haley. She didn’t look back.

  “Good. I need a vacation,” Dana said.


  “I’m running MC/TC by myself.”

  “I’ve been pulling my weight,” he protested.

  “Oh, please. Long distance just makes more work for me.”

  “I’ll make it up to you when I get home.”

  “Don’t try to get on my good side with false promises. I’m mad at you.”

  He leaned back in the chair and slid another quick look at Haley who was still pretending not to listen. “So the whole purpose of this call was to yell at me and make me feel guilty?”

  “Of course.”

  “Come on, D. I know you better than that. How’s business?”

  “The numbers have improved slightly. Not dance-of-joy good yet, but there’s reason for cautious optimism. The downward spiral has leveled off and some of the profit graphs are actually starting to go up.”

  “That’s great news. Might be a good time to counter the buyout offer.”

  “So you’ve decided to sell?” Dana asked, disapproval leaking into her tone.

  Marlon had discussed the pros and cons with her at length and knew, like Haley, she favored hanging in there. “I’m still considering all the options.”

  “Before you go to the dark side, consider this.” He heard papers rustling. “The sketches you sent me from— What’s her name?”

  “Haley,” he said and saw her glance up.

  “Right. Haley’s drawings are incredibly promising.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Boss, we could do a whole line. Love the name, by the way. A great way to brand it. HA! It’s sassy and sexy.”

  Just like the woman herself. He glanced at Haley who was looking at him now, probably at the sound of her name and the excitement in his voice.

  “That’s good,” he said.

  “If we push it, I think we can get the product into our trial market in time for Christmas. It will be a lot of work and more up-front cost to do it. But the payoff could be really big.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “You found her,” Dana said. “I assume the designer is a her.”

  “Yes, indeed.”

  “She’s there, isn’t she?”

  He met Haley’s curious-but-trying-not-to-be look. “Yup.”

  “You can’t talk?”

  “I thought I was,” he said.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah. And that would be an affirmative.”

  “This covert conversation doesn’t work for me,” Dana said, going into crabby mode again. “When are you coming home?”

  “I’ll be back when my community service is done.”

  “About a week,” she repeated. “Good. I’ll get moving on these new designs. See you soon, boss.”

  “Excellent. I can’t wait to see what happens.” He hung up.

  “Problem?” Haley didn’t look distant as much as troubled.

  “Actually, no.” He stood and walked over to the sofa. “That was my assistant.”

  “I gathered. The ‘world’s best personal assistant’ remark was a big clue.”

  “Dana Taylor,” he confirmed. “We met in college. A business class.” For some reason he felt compelled to explain. “When MC/TC started to take off, she was the first person I hired. It was a good decision.”

  “So everything’s okay?”

  “Very. She called to let me know how much she likes your designs.” He waited, but there was no response. Maybe she didn’t understand the potential. “She wants to try and get them in the stores by the end of the year.”

  Her eyes widened, but there was no excitement. “You sound anxious to get back to work.”

  “Dana thinks your designs will really take off. But if we’re going to make it happen, there will be a lot of overtime required.” He’d expected laughing, squealing, possibly dancing and hugging. What he didn’t expect was no reaction at all.

  She put her pad and pencil down on the table and stood. “Then I wouldn’t dream of keeping you. After all the overtime here at ROOTS you’ve more than satisfied the court’s expectations. And mine. I’ll sign off on your community service right now so you can go.”



  When he’d started here at ROOTS, those words would have made him pump his arm in triumph. Now? Not so much. He still had a week. He wanted that week.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” The words were raw and angry.

  The thought of leaving her was like a punch to the gut and knocked the air out of him, a lot like being tackled by a two-hundred-fifty-pound linebacker who wanted to rip his head off. Every instinct he had pushed back.

  He liked Haley, everything about her.

  She was beautiful. Smart. Prickly. Stubborn. Creative, sweet and funny. Pure of heart.

  He liked walking into ROOTS and seeing her eyes light up at the sight of him. He liked knowing she had no idea her reaction was so obvious. Making her laugh made him happy. He especially enjoyed nudging the sad look from her eyes and wanted to make that expression disappear for good. But somehow he’d etched it even deeper and that was unacceptable.

  And just like that it all became clear to him. He wanted to be in her life and to keep her in his. “Haley, I—”

  “You’re off the hook, Marlon. Go back to L.A.” She turned and disappeared into the back room followed by the sound of the rear door opening and closing.

  Marlon didn’t want her to leave any more than he wanted to. It was as clear to him as the mountains around Thunder Canyon on a windy day. Maybe he should accept the offer on the table to buy his business. He could stay here. Go to work for Cates Construction. It would be great to see more of his family.

  More important—he would be with Haley.

  Somehow she’d gotten under his skin. All he’d ever wanted was to be a successful businessman and he’d done it. He had no idea when success had stopped being enough.

  That was a lie. The seed was planted six years ago when he kissed Haley, then never followed through. Being forced to stay and work with her, his feelings had taken root and blossomed.

  He had to go after her this time.

  Just as he turned toward the back room where she’d disappeared, the bell over the front door clanged. Marlon did a double take when Roy Robbins strolled casually inside as if he hadn’t a care in the

  “Hey, dude—”

  “Don’t you dare ‘hey dude’ me, you pinhead.”

  “Haley says it’s not nice to call people names.”

  “Well, Haley’s not here right now. I am.” Marlon pointed at the kid, anger rolling through him. “What the hell happened? Haley’s been worried sick about you. She insisted on going all the way to Billings because you have a friend there. Obviously we didn’t find you.” Marlon realized he’d found something on that trip, though.


  “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Lighten up, man.”

  “Not a chance. I’m leaning on you hard. And you know why? You used Haley—”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Roy protested.

  “Bull. You took advantage of her good heart. Stayed at her house. Let her feed and take care of you. You used this mentoring program, one that means everything to her, as your own social network. For completely selfish reasons. Then there’s a little dust-up and you can’t take the heat like a man. Gone without a word like a spoiled brat.” Marlon took half a step closer. “You made Haley worry. I don’t like it when she worries.”

  “Peace, man.” Roy made a V with his index and middle fingers. “I thought it would be best for me to split.”

  “Best for who?”

  “For Haley.”

  “Again I say bull. You took the chicken way out because facing her was too tough.”

  “She talked to me about how to man up.”

  “And apparently wasted her breath,” Marlon accused.

  Something that looked a lot like surrender flickered in the boy’s eyes. And somewhere in the hazy, rational part of Marlon’s mind he knew he was taking out his own frustrations on the kid. He dragged in a cleansing breath of air.

  “Look, dude—” Roy caught himself and stopped. “Marlon, I didn’t mean to worry her. I thought she’d be relieved if I was gone.”

  “You thought wrong.” Some of Marlon’s anger slipped away when it became clear to him that the kid regretted his actions.

  “I know that now. I’ll apologize to Haley before I go.”


  Marlon wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or pissed off. What would Haley do in this situation? Probably bake cookies and grill Roy like raw hamburger with a touch so gentle he wouldn’t realize the secrets he was giving away. Connecting to people was effortless for her. As simple as a long-ago kiss that had changed his life.

  “You thirsty?” Marlon finally asked.

  Roy looked wary as he nodded. “But maybe I should go find Haley—”

  “That’s a good idea. But it might also be a good idea to run what you’re planning to say by me. I’ll get a couple of sodas.” Marlon pointed at him. “Stay put.”

  “Cool.” Roy sat on the couch.

  When he came back with the drinks, the kid hadn’t moved. He handed Roy a cold can, then sat in the worn chair beside him and popped the tab on his own soda.

  “So we know why you took off from Thunder Canyon. Where did you go?”

  “Helena.” Roy lifted the tab on his drink and took a long swallow of the cold liquid.

  Helena? What the heck?

  “Why there?” Marlon asked calmly.

  “It’s where my cousin lives.”

  “So when you ran away from home, why didn’t you go to your cousin’s in the first place instead of Thunder Canyon?”

  “He’d have ratted me out to my folks and I didn’t plan to go home ever again. Then,” he added.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.” A small smile curved the corners of his mouth. “But Haley says talking is a good way to sort things out.”

  “You should listen to her,” Marlon advised.

  Roy nodded. “There was this girl—Whitney.”

  “A woman. Why doesn’t that surprise me?” He took a drink of his soda to stop any more editorial comments from slipping out. Not helpful, Haley would have said. “Go on.”

  “She’s a cheerleader. A real fox. Extremely hot.” Roy met his gaze to see if his meaning sank in.

  “I’m old, but the teenage boy/cheerleader fantasy is an unforgettable classic for guys of all ages,” Marlon explained wryly.

  Roy grinned, but it faded a moment later. “She dumped me. It was on her Facebook page. The whole school was tweeting about it.”

  “It happens.”

  “But, dude, I never saw it coming. We were voted the couple most likely to last until graduation.” Roy’s eyes were full of teenage tragedy. “And she didn’t even give me a reason. She said I didn’t do anything, but the relationship just ran its course and we were over.”

  “That’s rough.” Marlon sincerely meant that.

  “Everyone knew. I just couldn’t stick around. The pity was a total drag.”

  “I can see where you’d feel that way.” And this was the part Marlon really wanted to talk about. “But Haley will be upset if you take off again.”

  “It’s not taking off.” Roy looked up. “I’m going home. My mom is on her way. I just came back to thank Haley for everything she did for me. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay her for—”

  “Thanks will be enough. She doesn’t want anything but for you to be okay.” Marlon reached over and squeezed the kid’s shoulder approvingly. “You gonna be okay? When you get home? Maybe you could talk to Whitney.”

  Roy nodded thoughtfully. “I’d sure like to know why she dumped me. To understand what was going through her mind.”

  Good luck with that, Marlon thought. Fortunately the words didn’t come out of his mouth. “Talking is good. Just don’t forget that the female mind is a dark and complicated place.”

  “Dude, you’re talking about Haley, aren’t you?”

  “That’s a pretty big leap.” It was true, Marlon thought, but still a big leap.

  “You didn’t deny it, so I must be right.” Roy pointed at him. “You like her.”

  “Of course I do. Everyone in town likes her.”

  “That’s what Haley said when I asked her about you.”

  “What?” Marlon asked.

  “You want to hook up with Haley. A blind man could see that.”

  No way was he telling this kid that they’d already hooked up and all it accomplished was to make everything even more complicated. “It’s not that simple.”

  “Why do adults always say that about their relationships? Do you think for us kids it’s a day at the beach?”

  “You have a point,” Marlon admitted.

  “I know Haley likes you.”

  “Really? Did she say so?”

  What was this? Junior high? Should he pass her a note in study hall?

  “Not exactly.” Roy shrugged. “But when I called her on it, she said the same thing you just did. That she likes everyone. It was an answer, but not really. You know what I mean? Like you just now. And it was the way she said it, also just like you.”

  Haley liked him? Of course she did. She’d gone to bed with him. She’d chosen him to be her first. That filled him with pride followed closely by humility. But did it mean that they had a chance for something real and lasting? Was she the one?

  “Look, dude, you can’t run away. Reaching a milestone age doesn’t make you a man. It’s staying put and dealing with stuff that does it.”

  Marlon suppressed a smile. The kid wasn’t so much a pinhead any more. He’d recently acquired some wisdom and was paying it forward. Following Haley’s example. When they’d played one-on-one basketball, Marlon had taken him down a peg or two. Maybe it was time to hand back his ego.

  Marlon heard the back door open and close just as he said, “What do you suggest I do?”

  “You like Haley, right?”


  Roy nodded with smug satisfaction about guessing correctly. “You gotta tell her how much you care.”

  There was a small sound behind them and Marlon turned.

  Haley stood in the do
orway. “You care about me?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Haley wanted to take back the question. If Marlon added that he cared about her “as a friend”, the humiliation would be so much worse than not knowing how to kiss.

  And then it sank in that he was talking to Roy, and relief flooded her. “You’re okay,” she said to the teen.

  “I was with my cousin.” He was standing between the old sofa and coffee table. “I didn’t mean to make you worry. Or cause trouble with your family. Marlon said you looked for me in Billings.”

  “You said something about a friend there.” And if she hadn’t eavesdropped, none of what happened in Billings would have happened.

  It hurt a lot that Marlon’s heated protest at being mistaken as part of a couple confirmed that he was a contented bachelor. But she would never be sorry he’d made love to her. It was a memory she would hold close to her forever.

  “Say something, Haley,” Roy begged.

  She smiled. “Next time leave a note.”

  “I thought it would be best to just go, that it would be better for you.”

  “I appreciate your concern, really. But there was no need to disappear.” She moved farther into the room, keeping the sofa between her and the two guys. “There is something we need to talk about, though. You know I care about you, but sooner or later you have to go home.”


  She blinked at him. “Really?”

  “I called my mom. She’s on her way and was pretty cool on the phone. Said we have to talk about stuff, but it can wait till we get home.”

  Haley was happy for him. “No threats of grounding for the rest of your life?”

  “Not yet. But I’m sure there will be consequences,” the teen said ruefully.

  “I hope so. It means they care.”

  “Then the state of Montana cares big time about Marlon,” Roy joked, glancing at the man in question. “What with his community service consequences.”

  Haley didn’t even want to peek at him. It was hard enough hanging on to her composure when she pretended he wasn’t there. But looking at him with all his masculinity, magnetism and charisma, not to mention charm, broke her heart just a little more every time.