A Matchmaker's Challenge Read online

Page 14

“Lexi’s here.” Ava apparently hadn’t heard the second near slip. “I gotta go. ’Bye, Mom. See ya, Mr. B.”

  “Have fun,” Courtney called out just before the door slammed shut. She stared at it for several moments, then looked at Gabe. “Welcome to freak-out central. Ava just told me she feels bad when I get all weird about her going out with friends. And that’s why I need a boyfriend.”

  “Hmm.” His eyebrows rose, and he held up the bottle of white in his hand. “Sounds like a story there. Should we have wine?”

  His words snapped her out of it. “Yes. Sorry. I’ve got an electric opener in the kitchen. And the flowers really are beautiful.”

  “Just like a real date,” he said wryly. “That’s what you were going to say, right?”

  “Saved by the bell. Or text,” she clarified. “Ava would have picked right up on that. And, seriously, the flowers are a very nice touch.”

  “Not for show, actually. I picked up the wine, saw the sunflowers and thought of you. An impulse buy.”

  Be still my heart. But it didn’t listen and continued to pound away. “That’s very sweet. I don’t quite know what to make of you.”

  “Why?” He found the opener charging on the kitchen counter and took the cork out of the bottle.

  “You really throw yourself into a role,” she said. “With props and everything.”

  “I’m an exemplary dinner guest.”

  And so much more. She pulled two glasses from the cupboard beside him then pointed to the top shelf. “Would you mind getting that for me?”

  “Of course.” He grabbed the vase easily and lifted it down.

  “Thanks.” At the sink she filled it with water. The sunflowers and greens fit perfectly. “So pretty and cheerful.”

  “Just like you.”

  “Ava’s gone. You don’t have to stay in character and keep up the act.”

  “I’m being completely sincere.” He took off his jacket and settled it over the back of a kitchen chair. “You are beautiful and cheerful.”

  That did it. Her heart was incapable of being still. Her breath caught when she recognized the intensity in his eyes. Had they always been such a vivid blue, or was something else going on right here and now? Just for her. Nervous tension kicked in again with enthusiasm.

  “Are you hungry? I’m starved.” She moved in front of the refrigerator, preparing to open it. “It’s all cooked. I just have to reheat everything. Except salad. But it’s not leftovers, I promise. Just cooked everything ahead of time. The table is set. All I have to do is put dressing on the greens and—”

  Gabe put a finger to her lips to stop the verbal diarrhea. “You’re jumpy.”

  “No way. I’m just—” His grin put the brakes on her denial. “Okay, yes. I figured kissing class would be in session again soon. During dinner, I planned to tell you that I’m on the pill. There, that wasn’t awkward at all. Did you notice how I slipped that information organically into the conversation?”

  “I did. But I am out of practice interpreting a woman’s intentions. Let’s clarify.” He wasn’t grinning now, but searching her face intently. “Are you saying that you want to have sex?”

  “When we discussed our rules of engagement, the conversation never included what to do or not do about it. We only talked about neither of us looking for love.”

  Gabe moved to stand in front of her. He looked down, and his voice was a tender and warm whisper when he said, “This won’t change that.”

  “I should hope not.” She smiled. “So I’m saying yes. The kissing curriculum can include sex.”

  “Okay. School is officially in session.” Gabe settled his palms on the refrigerator, on either side of her, then leaned in and kissed her.

  Courtney was lost the moment his lips touched hers. She put her arms around his neck and nestled her body as close to his as she could get. He slid his fingers into her hair and cupped the back of her head, making the contact of their mouths more firm.

  He touched his tongue to her top lip. When she opened to him, he dipped inside, the move every bit as raw and unapologetic as it was seductive. The refrigerator was right there behind her, and he moved her back into it, knocking off a magnet holding papers. Neither of them paid any attention.

  He pressed against her, and it was as if he kissed her with his entire body. The movement ignited a fire that spread to her blood, and liquid warmth poured through her. She could tell he was feeling it, too, the way his lips frantically moved across her cheek, her eyelids, her chin, then nuzzled her ear and nipped her neck. She could feel his heart pounding, and satisfaction spilled through her at the same time she wondered how much more of this could she take.

  She was breathing so hard it was possible she wouldn’t be able to get the words out but gave it a try. “G-Gabe?”


  His mouth was on her neck, and the single response vibrated through her, making her moan. “I was wondering—”


  “I just thought—” The stroke of his tongue near her ear made her gasp.

  “What are you wondering?” he whispered. He slid his hand under her T-shirt, up over her ribs, and brushed the underside of her breast with his thumb.

  “Oh, sweet mother of mercy—”

  There was a smile in his voice when he said, “What were you saying?”

  “I forgot.” She couldn’t think. His fingers were doing things, and her world was narrowed to nothing but his touch.

  When his hand closed over her breast, sensations raced through her with a force that left her weak in the knees. And she remembered what she’d been about to say.

  “I was wondering if you would like to see what the upstairs of my place looks like. Particularly my bedroom.”

  “I would like that very much.” His smile was tender, just before he dropped a featherlight kiss on her mouth and took her hand. “Lead the way.”

  Without a word, they walked up the stairs and into her feminine sanctuary, with its queen-size floral comforter and pink-and-plum-colored throw pillows. Some of them even had sequins. Light filtered in from the hall, and she smiled at the contrast of his intense masculinity here in her girlie space.

  With his help, Courtney turned down the covers, and from either side of the bed they stared intently at each other. She could see the rapid rise and fall of his chest, and that had her own breathing stuttering wildly.

  A moment later, he moved around the foot of the bed, stopping inches from her. There was a smoky, hungry look in his eyes that torched through her like fire licking her insides. The next moment they were kissing, tugging at each other’s clothes. When jeans, shirts, sweater and everything else were tossed wherever, they came together on the mattress.

  The feel of his hands on her naked skin was like tossing kerosene on a fire. When he touched her breast, heat shot straight down to her belly, and lower.

  He ran his palm down the inside of her thigh, then gently parted her legs and knelt between them. She reached out for him, and he came to her, taking his weight on his forearms. A tiny moan of anticipation caught in her throat as she wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him toward her.

  Slowly he entered her, and she sighed with satisfaction as he began to move. Her breathing escalated, and it felt as if she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. With three hard thrusts of his hips, he had pleasure splintering inside her. He held her close as aftershocks of her release trembled through her and finally stopped.

  Then he began to move again, and she arched her hips, accepting him as he sank into her over and over. His breathing grew more labored and harsher until he groaned and went still, gathering her close. She held him tight as the spasms of his own pleasure slowed and finally stopped.

  He sighed into her hair. “Just so you know... I really like your bedroom.”

  She smiled. “It’s the highli
ght of the tour.”

  After they quickly cleaned up, Gabe settled her beside him as if reluctant to let her go. He’s an after-sex snuggler, she thought sleepily. Being nervous must have sapped her energy, because she dozed off in his arms for a while. When she woke, the lighted clock on the nightstand indicated a couple of hours had passed. And she was starving, because they’d never had dinner.

  “Gabe?” she whispered.

  “Hmm?” His voice was sleepy.

  “It’s late-ish.”

  He turned his head to look at the clock, then rubbed a hand over his face. “Wow. Sorry. I fell asleep.”

  “Me, too. Are you hungry?”


  She raised up on an elbow. “I never fed you. Obviously that makes me the world’s worst hostess.”

  He took the strand of hair falling over her face and tucked it behind her ear. “I think you are the consummate hostess.”

  “Very funny.” Her tone was sarcastic, but she couldn’t stop a grin at his pun. “I’m going to warm everything up.”

  “I’m already warm.”

  She laughed. “I meant food.”

  “Count me in,” he said.

  They dressed quickly and went down to the kitchen, where it took all of five minutes to toss salad and heat dinner. Their wine was warm, but they drank it anyway.

  Gabe tasted the chicken, and his eyes widened. “This is really good.”

  “Ava said you’d like it.” And suddenly she lost her appetite as the situation hit her. What could have happened. She got up and found her phone on the countertop beside the stove, then checked for messages. Fortunately, there weren’t any.

  “What’s bothering you?”

  “Why would you think something’s wrong?”

  “I know you.” Fork in hand, he met her gaze. “And the way you shot out of your chair after mentioning Ava.”

  She met his gaze. “Ava could have walked in on us.”

  “But she’s gone for the night.”

  “She was gone less than ten minutes before we were upstairs. What if she forgot something and came home for it? I left my phone down here, and she could have messaged that she would come by.” She pushed the food around her plate. “I’ve had conversations with her about sex. Protection. But I’ve also told her that she should be in love before taking the step.”

  “In a perfect world, that would be the case, but more often than not, sex follows when hormones are out of control.” His tone was patient and reasonable.

  “I know. But she’s a romantic, and I want her first time to be special.” Like tonight was for me. Later she would think about the significance of that impulsive thought. “But if she walked in on us, that makes me a do as I say, not as I do kind of mom.”

  “Okay. Message received.”

  “Thank you for understanding my need to be careful with her.”

  “Of course.”

  Courtney would be careful in another way, too. Her first time with Gabe had felt special, but that didn’t mean she was going to the next level with him. Sex didn’t change what they were, what this was—a practical solution to their mutual problem. If they had some fun along the way, what could it hurt?

  * * *

  It was Tuesday, and Gabe was at the high school for his tutoring day. He was using Brett’s classroom while his friend had a math department staff meeting. A few students had come in to ask questions about their homework and left after doing one or two equations and feeling confident about the material. They seemed to grasp the concept and were just making sure their calculations were right.

  Now he was alone and bored, so he pulled out his cell phone to check for messages. Hoping to see something from Courtney. But nada. That was a letdown, and he wondered why. Per their rules of engagement, there should be no expectations. And yet...

  Maybe the discontent had something to do with what a fantastic time he’d had at her place. And not just the sex, which was pretty great. But dinner was delicious, albeit a little on the late side. That made him smile because of why it had been so late. Mostly the evening had just been fun. Courtney was fun, and that body...

  There were voices in the hall just before two kids walked into the classroom. The boy was in baggy jeans and a black T-shirt and badly needed a haircut. The other kid was Ava. She was smiling at the scruffy boy, and it was not the look of a girl who didn’t like her companion. That wasn’t good, along with the fact that he’d just been thinking about sleeping with her mother. Somehow, protecting Ava from the fallout of that seemed less urgent than this boy she was laughing with.

  “Hi, Mr. B. This is my friend Nick Perino.”

  “Hey, Nick.” Gabe put his hand out, and the kid took it with a firm grip. That earned him a few points. “You guys need math help?”

  “I’m not sure he does.” Ava glanced at her friend. “But, yeah, I’m a little lost.”

  “Okay. Let’s see what we’re looking at.”

  The teens sat side by side at a desk, and Ava opened her book. Gabe looked over the lesson on solving two-step algebra equations. “Okay. Obviously your teacher went over this. Let’s do your homework, and we’ll go through each equation step by step and make sure you understand it.”

  After pulling out notebooks and pencils from their backpacks, they wrote down the first equation. Ava looked like she wanted to throw the book across the room. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “That’s what I’m here for,” he reassured her. “The first step is to visualize a solution. You’re solving for x, and you have to decide whether to use addition or subtraction to isolate the variable.”

  Ava looked at her paper, then at him. “Still not clicking.”

  He pointed out the numbers she’d written. “Find a way to keep the whole numbers on one side of the equal sign. Remember, whatever you do to one side has to be done to the other. Keep it balanced.”

  “Yeah,” Nick said. “Our teacher keeps repeating that. It’s the golden rule of algebra, she says.”

  “She’s right. So give it a try.” Gabe watched them work and nodded. “Now you have to add the whole numbers on both sides.”

  He noticed that Nick was already finished, then nodded when Ava stopped writing. “Good job. Now try the next one.”

  They wrote it down, and he observed them, noting the answer was right. Nick was faster than Ava, and he had a feeling Ava was right about this kid not really needing help. He was only here to spend time with her. Bad boys were to teenage girls what metal was to a magnet.

  That did not make him happy and gave his protective instincts a kick in the ass. What would he do if she was his daughter? The answer was instant and not the least bit rational. He’d send her to a convent school.

  As Ava wrote down each step of the next equation, he nodded approval or pointed out where she was going wrong. Nick was doing just fine on his own and working ahead, which made Gabe’s distrust even more acute. And, wow, that made absolutely no sense at all.

  Ava finished up the last equation without needing any help and smiled at him. “Is that right?”

  “It is,” he confirmed. “Good job.”

  As the kids were packing up their stuff, his friend Brett walked into the room. “Hey, guys.”

  “Hi, Mr. Kamp.” Ava smiled. “I’m here to improve my math grade. Don’t you think I should get extra credit for making the effort?”

  “That’s up to your teacher. But nice try.” He grinned then looked at her friend. “How are you doing, Nick?”

  The kid slid down lower in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “Just hanging out.”

  Ava looked at him then stood. “We have to go. Thanks for the help, Mr. B.”

  “So, you think you’ve got it now?” he asked.

  “Maybe.” She shrugged. “I’m going to give my brain a rest now.”
br />   Gabe laughed. “Good idea.”

  “See you later.” Ava walked out of the room and mumbled something to Nick.

  Gabe wanted to know what. And after that he really wanted to warn Nick that if he hurt that girl, there would be hell to pay. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, the irony, not to mention the hypocrisy, smacked him upside the head. He was fake dating her mother. That could potentially hurt Ava. So who was going to give him hell?

  “Just have to make sure she never finds out,” he muttered.

  Brett was walking over to his desk and set his laptop case down. “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” Gabe turned to look at him. “What do you know about that kid?”


  “No. The boy.”

  “Ah.” Brett leaned back against his desk and crossed one ankle over the other. “He’s smart. I mean high-IQ intelligent. His grades are okay, but he could be an honors student. He’s not performing to his potential.”

  “So you’re saying Ava should not hang out with him?”

  “I didn’t say that.” His friend gave him an odd look. “He’s more of a rebel. Likes to push the envelope, you know? But not in any trouble that I’m aware of. I don’t think he’s a bad kid.”

  “But he could be?” Gabe was looking for an informed opinion.

  “It’s a good sign that he was here for tutoring with Ava.”

  “He doesn’t need it.”

  “I know,” Brett said. “But he cares enough about her to come along. Just to spend time with her. And you want to know this, why?”

  Gabe looked down for a moment, then met his friend’s gaze. “I’m going out with her mother.”

  Brett grinned with enthusiastic approval. “That’s really great.”

  “It’s not a big deal. We met here at the freshman motivational talk.” No reason for him to reveal Ava’s part in pushing them together.

  “But you’re clearly not an impartial observer. You’re feeling protective. Is it some kind of sign that you’re getting serious about her mom?”

  Not a chance. He and Courtney had taken care of that.